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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ivan Mihaljevic & Side Effects - Counterclockwise

The album "Counterclockwise" by Ivan Mihaljevic  & Side Effects is a nice combination of rock beats, lyrics that can not only be understood but actually mean  a lot, and melodies that are very enjoyable to listen to. The music itself possesses a clean sound that many of the modern rock bands have lost while still retaining that weighted quality a good rock song should have. The lyrics touch on topics that are relevant to life today without being tedious or self-righteous in the delivery of the message they contain. The songs in this album all stick close to a singular theme, but deviate just enough as to not become redundant from one song to the next. The songs themselves are consistent in quality from one to the next without becoming monotonous in sound or content. The rhythms and melodies vary just enough to keep things interesting, but never stray from that rock sound that this artist has crafted. There are a few points where the vocals might have benefited from more instrumental backup, but not so much. The song "Eclipse" was exceptionally long, almost unforgivably long but not quite. I  loved it. The song itself stands alone, complete with all components essential to any well done story. The melodies in the songs are very well written and often evoke emotion that is consistent with the content of the song, as a good musical piece should do regardless of the intended genre.

From the beginning of the album through its center and on to the end, the songs on this album create an audio journey that leaves the listener both satisfied and willing to move back to the beginning and experience it all over again.

It all comes together to create an amazing album that is well worth buying (http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/ivanmihaljevicsideeffect) and listening to.

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